Frequently Asked Questions
How do you pronounce ODDADA?
There are no rules – just say it the way you like!
How does the game work?
ODDADA is an explorative music game. Drag and drop the objects you have at hand on the objects in the current scene and tinker with different houses and machines to build a nice-sounding music loop. As soon as you’re happy with the music loop you’ve built, you can click the red button on the front of the train to record the level you’re currently in and move on to the next level. Each wagon on the train represents one of your recorded music loops – you can turn them on and off and change the volume of the wagons by dragging them up or down. After a total of 6 levels the train will enter the „concert“ – where you can record your song onto a customisable cassette.
Who made the game?
Sven Ahlgrimm: Programming, Game Design, Art
Mathilde Hoffmann: Sound & Music Design, Game Design
Bastian Clausdorff: Audio Programming
Annika Curts: Marketing, Community Management
Can I use songs created in ODDADA for my product?
Songs made in ODDADA are licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0
If you’d like to use your songs for private, personal, or educational projects, you’re free to do so! We’d love to see what you create and would be super happy about a place in the credits – linking to „oddada.com“.
For any other type of commercial project or use (i.e. if you intend to make money from it), it is not allowed to use songs made in ODDADA, using the musical samples of the game.
However, if you recreate the melodies and loops of your ODDADA songs in an audio software and use different sounds and samples for it, it becomes your creation and you are free to use it for whatever purpose you like!
We are also currently investigating possible features that could facilitate moving ODDADA songs to different audio softwares in the future.
If you are in doubt if your usage of ODDADA songs falls under commercial use, feel free to contact us first and get explicit permission.
Live Streamers can monetise their videos and streams showing ODDADA gameplay including sounds.
This policy helps us maintain the integrity of our content and ensures that the game’s music is used in the appropriate context. It also allows us to prevent any potential legal issues related to music licensing.
Why are you so strict? Why not just allow anybody to use the songs?! It’s free advertisement!
ODDADA is a game and not meant to be a commercial music making tool, but of course we want to encourage players to find inspiration and fall in love with music-creation. There are some things we have to protect you and ourselves from, however.
We want to give you an example of what could happen that would be bad for the game:
If somebody puts a content ID onto a song made in ODDADA or registers a song with a PRO (such as German GEMA), e.g. to upload their creation to Spotify – YouTube’s algorithm might recognise a very similar sounding song in a gameplay video of somebody reviewing the game and the reviewer’s video would get taken down due to the previously registered song’s content ID.
Due to ODDADA’s pattern-based approach to music making, it can happen quickly that two songs share similar melodies and sounds.
To reassure that the word about ODDADA can spread freely, we need to make sure that streamers and YouTubers can review the game without risk of having their content taken down or de-monetized. Also, it will let everyone share their songs freely without having to fear a copyright-strike.